Scott Eyre - Recent Project

2 days in New York City

Things I’d Never Seen Before

The images I have chosen for this project were captured over the course of two weekend trips I made to New York City in the Fall of 2013. While N.Y.C. is a testament to engineering, diversity and what many would call “success”; the real life lived, by too many in the city, is disguised by bright lights, bold colors, and shop windows, with everything we are told we should desire and who we should pretend to be.

The people captured in these images are not the “popular” to photograph – the homeless or celebrities. Their identities are inconsequential. They represent us all. Rarely, if ever do we truly recognize that we are inundated daily by media telling us who we need to be, how we need to act, what our gender roles are, what possessions we must have and what we should value. That our happiness, will only be found with “more”.

During previous trips into New York City, I may have described it as a “Beautiful” city.

Looking at the city through a new lens has altered my definition of that word. While the colors and lights are still esthetically beautiful to the out of focus lens, when you look through a focused lens it becomes harder to see the beauty. The barrage of advertising and other messages overtake the appealing aesthetics.

The images in this series attempt to make a statement on some of these issues that are caught in plain sight. My hope is that in each image you will find something(s) to contemplate. Perhaps making you more aware of the onslaught that we take on everyday, mostly from companies who have figured out a formula to make us feel insecure and secure all at the same time.

Never thinking twice about the side effects of the messages they are peddling.

To view the full collection of images, click here.

2 says in New York City2 says in New York City2 says in New York City