Caleb Townsend's Biography

I am Caleb Townsend, a Georgian born moving picture maker, word writer, and joke sayer currently attending Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg Virginia. I regularly write in the EMU Weathervane, and I made the movies No Trigger Warning, Dear Burger King, and The Party Room . As a filmmaker, I tend to create films that grapple with themes such as gender roles, trauma, common fears and anxieties, as well as comedic character based comedy that highlights the weaker points of human interaction, as well as the duality, that is, the grey area of everyone’s morality. I have poured my blood, sweat, heart, mind, and appendix into directing and writing over 20 films, and publishing over 15 articles in the Weathervane. My film Lawn and Order won the Adrenaline Film Festival in 2012. Here are some of my movies.

To contact me, find me on my twitter or email him at To view his films, check out his youtube page here