
Project Statement:

There is always more to learn about sports. That is what enthralls me the most, the research and the things that can be discovered that then in turn can be communicated. Discussion of various topics has always been something I have enjoyed, engaging in many different topics of sports debates with well educated friends over time has helped me develop a good discussion background.

I want to express the love that I have for sports in some facet during my lifetime as my life’s passion. I want to be able to inform maybe not just my community, but perhaps my state, or maybe even my country on what goes on in the sports world. I want to express through this the possibilities of sports broadcasting the dreams I someday wish to achieve.

paddles paddles paddles

andrew golf andrew golf

andrew golf andrew golf

Ping Pong Paddles: $2.00
Andrew Follow-Through: $2.50 Andrew Putting: $2.50