I have worked on various Java projects. This Java project is an example of my recent works. The application implements object oriented programing. The images you see are part of a face changing application. The application allows users to input changes to their specification, through a console interface. The program mimics facial expression, such as face color, eye color, nose color, and whether the face can smile or frown. This application was written in a programming class I had taken in my education career.

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I created this application because I wanted to give users the ability to use their imagination to create visuals they desire. I enjoy creating programs that gives users the power to innovate. Face changer App allows user to interact with console interface. It also teaches user fundamental aspects of computer science. This is one of my favorite application because of the endless possibilities of face creation users can create.

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Now that you have seen my application interface. This are some of the source code that works behind the scenes of the application. To most it can be confusing, but this algorithm gives users the power to be open with their ideas. The source code is a glimpse of my Java programming skills. I love coding and my hope is to continue writing many complex application as I continue to immerse in the field of computer science.