
About Rances Rodriguez

Rances Rodriguez

Rances Rodriguez stands strong of an ever-growing industry trend: Filmmaking and Digital Media. He’s spent the past eight years crafting and experimenting narrations for all forms of entertainments, either screenwriting, cinematography, and novels. He is currently enrolled in Eastern Mennonite University and is majoring in Digital Media. Learning from there gives Rances new view of entertainment and adaptability toward the professional path.

During his most recent semester in Eastern Mennonite University, Rances has been feeding his insatiable interest in new technologies to help produce better results with other talented individuals. He knows that quality sales more than obvious starvation for quantity to survive. Rances makes sure to find alternative measures to balance budgets without losing time and value for any projects.

About Rances’ Younger Experiences

I have always been experimenting on different styles of storytelling and physical work to later obtain my future goals in life. If one path does not work well for me then I will certainly surface a back-up plan beforehand. I made sure to treat every experience as a life lesson to further extend my progression in life. My family are very supportive but are still trying their very best to understand my passions as a developing young adult against the outside world of media and entertainment. I am very interested in telling multiple unique stories, far different from our society's’ common standards of storytelling from all aspects of imagination, gender, culture, and race, that I can truely hope to present to the world. In order to achieve my goal, I must learn everything. I must learn from the highest forms of education, that are crucial to helping me, to the simplest education that can exponentially alter my sense of creativity. For now, my goal is to be a movie screenwriter/director in order to carefully bring my stories to life with many talented individuals in the future.

For the past eight years, I produced multiple scenarios of a potential stories instead of focusing it, except for one story that is almost done from its skeletal phase. From all these years I conjured fourteen different stories. Three out of the fourteen, that I mainly focus, had spawned sequels, prequels, and a potential spin-offs. It is extremely challenging to producing vast amount of work, especially when most of my stories does not have the same genre and initial focus toward different potential audiences. The most challenging part above all else is bringing them to live. Or worse, which story out of the fourteen will be the first to be developed onto the world of cinema. These fourteen stories were constructed solely to help me have something to fall back to in case one or two projects may fail me. And if cinema does not work out for me, then I can translate these encrypted stories onto books.