Ivan Harris Photography

Ivan Harris Photography - About

Ivan Harris Photography

About Me

Currently, I am a student at Eastern Mennonite University with a major in Photography. Right now, my entire focus is on photography and I plan on making it a career once I graduate from college, rather than it just being a hobby. At first, I began school with a digital media major and was required to take a digital photography class. While taking that class and learning more about digital cameras and how they can be used to take good looking photos, I started to take pictures as a hobby. After completing projects that were due for the class, I would use a camera to practice my skills by taking environmental pictures and doing photoshoots for students on campus.

As I continued using the camera, I found that I enjoyed photography more than working with other kinds of media production. I then made the “big” decision to switch my major from Digital Media to Photography during my sophomore year of college. I’ve had thoughts of sticking with digital media somewhat by minoring in video production, but I have not officially made that decision just yet. Getting into photography helped me view life differently and saw how beautiful and interesting it can be. Getting a shot of something from a different perspective can actually be very eye catching.