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I am currently in my Junior year at Eastern Mennonite University as a Digital Media and Communications major—so far I have taken classes such as Design, Photography, and Audio Production, which gave me experience with various photo and audio equipment and familiarized me with applications such as Photoshop, Adobe Audition, and Logic Pro. This semester, I am taking Video Production, Hybrid Storytelling, After Effects, and Web Design & Social Media. I’m excited to see what valuable skills I can learn to apply after this semester!


Outside of class, I enjoy various hobbies of creativity and writing—during the summer, I intern for my mother’s company, Outboxx Communications, doing work in Public Relations such as writing and editing weekly press releases, and brainstorming various content ideas for clients, whether that be for social media or upcoming press releases! Click here to see my public relations portfolio.

During the school year, when I’m not in class or playing volleyball, I volunteer for the Weather Vane school newspaper as a photographer, writer, and copy editor. I have written for multiple sections/topics, from News and Feature articles, to sports, to pop culture opinions. Click here to see my Weather Vane articles.

After college, I hope to continue working for Outboxx Communications and also gain experience doing photography and videography for other clients--further down the road, I'd love to own my own Public Relations company, like my mom.