I am currently a Digital Media & Communication major at Eastern Mennonite University. During my time as a digital media major and communication, I have been able to learn the valuable skills of working with a team of people to develop and uphold the branding standards of an organization. I have studied and worked with the Adobe Creative Suite products such as InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and Lightroom throughout my time as a student. My experience has allowed me to create logos, banners, posters, flyers, brochures and invitations. This website is a compilation of the work that I have done and as I continue my work I hope to grow as an artist. Since I have been attending EMU I have mastered several skills in the creative process of designing a magazine, editing pictures in Adobe Photoshop, painting, drawing, etc. From there I have begun to develop my skills in photography and eventually videography through college courses at EMU as well as gaining some hands-on experience through internships.
Before attending EMU, I attended two high schools, Anniston High and Oxford High School. While attending Anniston High I concentrated on nursing but eventually went to Oxford High where I concentrated on nursing while also pursuing film. I graduated with the class of 2021 with two cords: Nursing and Digital Media. My interest in the nursing field gradually went away during the 2021 summer but I still plan on continuing the medical field by becoming certified in the art of Chiropractic after I have become successful in the filming/acting business.