Projects I am working on:

Some advice for beginners when working on programing projects...

"Finally, programming sometimes brings out strong emotions. If you are struggling with a difficult bug, you might feel angry, despondent, or embarrassed. Remember that you are not alone, and most if not all programmers have had similar experiences. Don't hesitate to reach out to find a friend and ask questions!" - Think Java, Allen Downey and Chris Mayfield

Projects I have completed

I have taken programming/coding courses in the following languages: Java, Python, and HTML5. These languages are exhibited in my demo page and scattered throughout my behind the scenes page. My Databases and Information Management class, was more command line based and dealt with learning about how to organize and structure large amounts of data. Within the course there is the use of SQL or Structured Query Language to search for select information in the database which is shown in an example on the behind the scenes page.

The Game Plan

I want to give examples of my work to show people who are interested in the realm of Computer Science a little window into this line of work requires.