My Clothing Brand: Angelic Society


Angelic Society is a Christian based clothing brand I created for a project in my Principles of Marketing class during my freshman year at EMU. My mission for this brand was for it to be affordable, stylish, great quality, and do Business for a positive cause. Angelic society donates 15% of its earnings to Salvation Army for to help make a positive impact on the community and those in need. For a very affordable price of $15 for a hoodie, you could be helping those in need around the country.

Creating a brand like Angelic society made me very proud of myself as a marketer, and a Christian. It was a good feeling being able to create a brand that could help me express my faith in Christ, grow my clothing brand, and be able to successfully promote my products. When I presented this clothing brand to my classmates I also showed it to a mock-investor and my professor. My professor at the end of the presentation gave me an A for my work, while the investor ended up saying he would love to invest in the brand because of the positive message he was shown and because it was very well put together as a brand.